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FanBase 是由一群熱愛運動賽事(Sports Games)的狂熱鐵粉們,獻給同樣每天沈醉這令人亢奮的球賽文化裡的朋友們,一個專門、獨特,球迷專屬網路商店。從服飾到配件、海報到公仔、日用品到不知道拿來幹嘛的小物,如果你/妳是喜愛表現職業鐵粉的朋友,Fanbase 將是你/妳最愛來閒逛的好所在。
FanBase is created by fans, for the fans worldwide!
We are dedicated to bring "the love for the game" to your home, we hand select brands around the world that are created from love and enthusiasm to the major sports culture. From NBA to MLB, from apparel to accessories, toys to what is this for??? We are IN to bring spirits to lifestyle!
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